Aluminum square

铝方通(U型方通、U型槽)是近几年来生产的吊顶材料之一,铝方通具有开放的视野,通风,透气,其线条明快整齐,层次分明,体现了简约明了的现代风格,安装拆卸简单方便,成为近几年风靡装饰市场的主要产品。 Aluminum square pass (U-shaped square pass, U-shaped groove) is one of the ceiling materials produced in recent years. Aluminum square pass has an open vision, ventilation, ventilation, its lines are bright and neat, and its layers are clear. It reflects the simple and clear modern style. It is easy to install and dismantle. It has become the main product popular in the decoration market in recent years.

Detailed information

Aluminum square pass (U-shaped square pass, U-shaped groove) is one of the ceiling materials produced in recent years. Aluminum square pass has an open vision, ventilation, ventilation, its lines are bright and neat, and its layers are clear. It reflects the simple and clear modern style. It is easy to install and dismantle. It has become the main product popular in the decoration market in recent years.

Aluminum square

Aluminum square is formed by continuous rolling or cold bending. The installation structure is a special keel clip structure. The installation method is similar to ordinary strip clip plate. It is simple and convenient. It is suitable for interior decoration (the keel can be designed with windproof clip code).



型材铝方通有特色铝材通风挤压成型,产品硬度,直线度远远超过其它产品,安装结构为利用上层主骨,以螺丝和特造的构件与型材锤片连接,  防风性强,适用于户外装饰(龙骨间距可任意调节)。  特殊的铝方通可拉弯成弧形,弧形铝方通的出现为设计师提供更为广阔的构想空间,以创造出更独特美观的作品。安装不同的铝方通是都可以选择不同的高度和间距,可一高一低,一疏一密,加上合理的颜色搭配,令设计千变万化,能够设计出不同的装饰效果。同时,由于铝方通是通透式的,可以把灯具,空调系统,消防设备置于天花板内,以到达整体一致的的完美视觉效果。铝方通安装简单,维护同样也很方便,由于每条铝方通是单独的,可随意安装和拆卸,无需特别工具,方便维护和保养。



用于隐蔽工程繁多人流密集的公共场所,便于空气的流通、  排气、散热的同时,能够使光线分布均匀,使整个空间宽敞明亮。广泛应用于地铁,高铁站,车站,机场,大型购物商场,通道,休闲场所公共卫生间,建筑物外墙等开放式场所。


铝方通规格:底宽一般为20-400毫米,高度20-600毫米,厚度0. 4-3.5毫米

注意:长度是6米内任意定制,特殊尺寸可根据具体情况定制,手工订做,单位(mm)  。

